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Thank you for looking into our nutrition tracking. When you sign up you will be assigned a few forms to fill out. After that you will be assigned to your trainer, who will review your answers to the nutrition forms and assign custom MACROs for you to follow.
Counting Macro's is the process of tracking how many grams of each macronutrient you consume per day. Macro nutrients are protein, fat, and carbohydrates, each provide a certain amount of calories per gram, you are also tracking your how many calories per day you consume while counting macro's.
Counting macros (or macronutrients) offers several nutritional benefits. For the dieting newbie, meal planning by counting macros is a good way to get a handle on portion control. In addition, It helps people understand where their calories come from and what impact they have on the body, while also helping you make good, informed choices, such as whole food over processed food.
Counting macro's is totally customizable for your goals and body type, and adjustable!
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